Vision Quest
November 12, 2017
Sweat Lodge Schedule
December 12, 2017

Rites of Passage

A re you called to participate in ceremony, ritual, and feel the need for experiencing a rite of passage? Four Winds Foundation puts you in touch with what matters! Choose from one of our monthly sweat lodges, one of the 7 Rites of Passage we offer, or join in the international teachings with Sweet Medicine's House of Flowers or with the sacred men in this world, the Lodge of the Deer Men.

We plan on fulfilling dreams of seeing international sacred sites and participating in life changing ceremonies with local village elders.

Your dreams are waiting for you. Why wait, walk into the possibilities and manifest your dreams.

Learn more about our offerings of native teachings, retreats, and rites of passage.
Join us today. Look at our on-going calendar of events. Sweet Medicine travels nationally and globally each year to host ceremonies and engage local communities in establishing rites of passage. If you would like to host ceremonies in your local communities, please contact us. We are here to serve and offer these ceremonies and teachings as a way to deepen our connections with each other and our natural world.
In appreciation of linking up with our community, receive a free smudge book.

[purchase_link id="2520" style="button" color="inherit" text="Smudge Book Download"]

  • As a naturopathic physician and person committed to a healthIy lifestyle, I strive to live in a balanced and grounded way. However, I can easily get overwhelmed with the day-to-day details of a busy practice, and the inevitable stress of daily life. The inipi sweat lodge ceremonies are a profound reset for me.

    ~ Linda Grass, Naturopathic Physician