Weekends in the wilderness for men examine the issues of men. Experience healing through original myths, walking through and experiencing the rites of passages into manhood, and the creation of a men’s council of warriors. The result is the knowing one’s true first weapon and how to use it with clarity—the spoken word.
Men must be united, in claiming a common and equal right in the land, as it was and should be yet again undivided. —Tecumseh Shawnee
Men must be united, in claiming a common and equal right in the land, as it was and should be yet again undivided.—Tecumseh Shawnee
During Men’s retreats, men gather and re-commit to their Society of Sacred Warriors. The Men’s Society knew that every rock, seed, feather or animal could pass a message from above. They were the teachers and the teachings. Men have become unnatural in their ways in this world. The Grandfathers no longer pass on these ways to shepherd the Brave Men today.
Awaken again in these ancient perspectives and powers to see and know. Remember your traditional place as one of the Feathered Prophet Warrior. With ancient teaching methods, regain honor and respect for one another. Take your place. Re-form yourself as Peace Warriors, preserving, protecting, reconnecting, and emerging through the codes of trust and truth as New Warriors.
Using old skills, crafts, and ceremonies you will all enter into the Rites of Flight, the way of the warrior’s spirit. Each man is encouraged to set aside his worldly life and reclaim, transform, simplify, and strengthen his resilience again. Men’s retreats focus on renewal, ceremony, and reverence to Nature and its quiet voice. Share this experience: invite a brother, father, son, uncle, or friend. Learn the ways of Strength and Courage and these old Lessons of Resilience.