Sweat Lodge Schedule
December 12, 2017
**** JUNE 25-30, 2019 ****
NATIONAL FOREST IN CENTRAL OREGONFor decades, one of our annual events is our Vision Quest Camp. This year we are changing this and focusing on all of us. We are offering a 6 day event of community, ceremony, learning and participating.
This will be a very special time led by
Sweet Medicine Nation and Yellow Robe.
Some of the things you will experience are:
Fire Starting without MatchesLearn to Build Ceremonial Spaces Organic Meals with instructions on cookingSong ClassesPipe CeremoniesSweat Lodge PurificationCutting Away CeremonyMedicine Circle TeachingsGiveaway CeremonyThe teachings will answer questions such as :
What does it mean to support and to apply these ways to your own life, even if you aren’t doing a personal 4 day quest.What does one experience as they “walk the red road”?What does it mean to live in community and be a village?Other topics will include:
Meaning of TobaccoMedicine Animal Teachings5 Levels of Life7 Sacred Ways of WalkingWhy do we smudge?What significance does the fire hold?What are the 7 directions?All ages are welcome!!!!
This 6 day camp is the perfect opportunity to learn, grow, live in community in nature and supporting the pledges that are walking toward the mountain. This is a sacred and special time to share with your entire family.
Feel free to write to [email protected] with questions. We will be sending out more information soon. Mark your calendars - June 25-30 for this very special opportunity to grow in community with the Four Winds Community Foundation.
We are now opening a call for Primary Kitchen Planners please inquire for further information.